Hello and welcome to the blog hub of the Faith, Writing & Coffee Chats Podcast! Here you can find links to my other blogs, podcast goodies and occasional show notes! Have fun exploring! <3
“We read to know we are not alone.”
― C.S. Lewis
Main Home Blog
Fable Rose Blog
This is my safe place. I post about books, my faith, things I’m learning, recipes I love, my writing, and whatever I feel led to write. Somewhat random in content, this is my creative space where all these things intertwine themselves in a beautiful tapestry called my life.
I love this blog and what God has done here. I know this is a place where God has blessed me. I can look back and see posts where I know He was doing something inside of me. I love this experience with him.
Bible Study
Behold Peace
This is a Bible study focusing on the women of the Bible. I’m so excited to study these different women of the Bible with you!
I have always been drawn to the different women in the Bible. Their stories, sometimes more than most, stick out to me and draw me in. I had a princess Bible when I was little and my favorite thing was finding the drawings and facts of different women in the Bible. I have always loved studying and reading their stories and I am so excited to start this Bible study doing exactly this!